Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Routines and Habits...

So I’m finding that even though my dad is gone, we are falling back into our routines and habits. One big thing missing is him. It’s strange how a day can be going along so nicely, you can be feeling great and then all of a sudden, something you always said or did comes along and it just smacks you in the face. For example:

Last night, right before bed, I was talking to mom on the phone. Just chatting about this and that and closing down another day. As we were getting off the phone, saying our “I love you’s” and such she said something to me that she has a hundred times:

“Say Hi to Jake”

And my typical response would be

“Tell dad I love him”

When I started to open my mouth to utter the words I have so many times before, I couldn’t speak. She said “goodnight” and hung up the phone. It hit me so hard…I wanted her to tell my dad that I loved him…but she couldn’t.
Again, I cried. I think this will go on, and on, and things like this will hit me, but you know what? HE KNOWS! I am so thankful that I had a wonderful relationship with my dad…and HE KNOWS I LOVE HIM!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fun facts for our little bambino!

So I was reading up today...and found some fun facts out about our little one. Check this out:

According to our baby's birth year he/she will:

  • sart kindergarten in 2014

  • be old enough to drive a car in 2025

  • finish high school in 2027

  • graduate from college with the class of 2031

  • Can you imagine? This is SO crazy! :)

    Monday, April 6, 2009

    The Heartbeat...

    Well today was an amazing day!! One I think I will never forget! We went together this morning to the OB to hear our baby's heartbeat. How exciting!! The doctor put the little sound machine on my belly...and wait for it.......
    Oh it was AMAZING!!! 150 beats/minute! What a healthy baby we have!
    I am just now starting to show, and that is super exciting!
    No more nausea...just a little tired...things are going GREAT! YAY for the 2nd Trimester!!! :)