Lucas has been growing and changing SO MUCH lately! I almost can't believe the transformation that is happening before my very eyes...and it seems at every turn I am trying hard to have him grow up AND stay a baby at the same time (this kid must be so confused sometimes!) :) is a video I just HAD to share. Jacob's laugh is infectious and when he really gets going...well it makes everyone else in the room laugh too. When I saw Lucas laughing at Jacob laughing...I had to grab the camera to capture it...check it out!
I got these diapers from a friend...I have been searching for them in his size and never seem to find them (on sale) and so I have never bought them...but aren't they just DARLING???

He is also in LOVE with his blankies...all 3 of them...and insists on taking them EVERYWHERE...even the shower (although that doesn't happen). He just has a hard time parting with them...and I have to admit, they are snuggly! :) He talks to them and just loves to have them encourages me that he will, in fact, be a GREAT Big Brother! :)

So that's all...he's growing and changing...but he's still my little baby! :)