Ha ha! We went through our Doctor's appointment this morning WITHOUT finding out the gender. Hard for some...but there were so many wonderful things to find out about our little one like:
There are 4 working heart chambers
a cerebellum
2 working kidneys, and we know this because there is a BLADDER!!!
a working diaphragm
and most exciting...10 fingers and 10 toes, 2 eyes, 2 ears, etc.
In short, this baby is PERFECTLY HEALTHY as far as they can tell!!
Weighing in at a whopping 3/4 pound! WOO!
I got two pictures...one of the profile (seen above) and this one below. I have to tell you the fun story about it!
One day Jacob was trying to say I LOVE YOU in sign language to me and for some strange reason instead of putting up the typical two fingers and a thumb for the sign he just put up his 4 fingers...weird, until today...We have carried on that faux signlanguage to mean I LOVE YOU to each other...and this morning...little baby put it's arm up and gave us the 4 finger I LOVE YOU sign! I cried and smiled, it may be a "coincidence" to some...but to us, it was just another wonferful moment. Our baby loves us too! :)

Just wanted to update you on what is going on with us.
Gender is a secret and so are the names!! Due date is October 7th. This is going to be a fun ride!!
So glad you had such an awesome day...love those precious moments in life!
I am so happy for you! Congrats!! Love you!
Cute as can be already! So happy for you!
Going to enjoy this ride!
the 4 finger story is adorable. congrats on the healthy little one!
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