Saturday, June 27, 2009

Doggie Park...take one.



Well today we attempted to take our doggies to the dog park. We did this a lot in Arizona and they really enjoyed it! We went to the one closest to us today and I have to say, I wasn't a fan. However, the dogs really enjoyed themselves!
They ran and played and wore themselves out! Thank you dog park! I'm sorry that we won't be visiting you again...but we will be finding another park for the dogs! They just had too much fun!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Father's Day Jacob!!

This past Sunday we got a chance to CELEBRATE our 1st Father's Day!! I started off with Breakfast in Bed for Jacob.

He is such a great guy and will be an AMAZING father! I can't wait to see him with our little one!

I have also been reading up on that "GREAT gift for the new DAD" and found it is a watch so that they can time the contractions for the new MOM! SO...what a GREAT excuse to buy Jacob a new watch!! He was surprised and LOVED it!!

Now not only will he be a prepared "dad to be" but he'll be stylin in his Kenneth Cole watch too!

Happy Father's Day Jacob! I love you!!

Last week of the 2nd Trimester!!! (Week 24)

Well we have almost hit the end of the 2nd trimester. Not exactly sure how I feel about that...mixed emotions I suppose! I am excited that soon we'll be able to meet our little bambino...but I know most of the growing is yet to come!

I have completely graduated from normal clothes to maternity wear. I am a fan, I must say and really like my maternity pants! :) I have had GREAT friends let me borrow some of their clothes and give me some great pregnancy advice! Yes, I am moisturizing every day. Yes, I am drinking a lot of water. Yes, I am walking, walking, walking. And yes, I am taking my vitamins every day! (at least trying to remember one is perfect!)

I am really enjoying reading up on pregnancy and seeing how the little one is progressing inside. This site is just hilarious and I find myself laughing out loud sometimes! Amazing how so many women are pregnant, and yet we all go through similar stuff! I am on week 24 this week...if you want to follow along! I start a new week every friday and it makes going into the weekends so much fun. Jacob just LOVES to read about it too...right honey? LOL

I went garage sale-ing with my MIL last weekend and had a ball. We found some really cute clothes and a few ods and ends. It was just fun to spend the time with her...she is also very excited. I mean seriously, how could you not? A new baby is just so much fun no matter what!

I have made it past the point of getting up 5 million times a night to go to the potty, which I'm sure will return at some point...and as my mom tells me, it's just this baby's way of getting me in the mode to be up feeding at all hours! Well, you have to prepare somehow right??

So anyways, I just thought I'd update with a picture or two. This one is just last week...amazing how much difference a week makes! We are so excited to meet our little one! :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Last night I had what has to be one of the coolest feelings ever! I was watching a movie with Jacob when the baby started to "kick". Now, I have been feeling movement since week 16, but nothing like this. It was the hardest I have ever felt. You could SEE the was crazy. I sent Jacob, quickly, to get the camera so we could get some footage of this happening. By the time he got back it had settled back down and it wasn't happening anymore.
A little later, it started back up again, this time the camera was where we left it and I didn't even send him for it (yes, I learned my lesson...keep the camera close!) What I then realized was, our little bambino was having HICCUPS!! Now, truthfully, I won't wish hiccups on anyone, they are annoying...but I will love it EVERY TIME my little one has hiccups in the womb...what a super cool feeling!! I just HAD to share! :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

No shame...I'm always game for a T-shirt!

Wild Olive Tees

So thanks to Kristen I found out about an awesome opportunity to WIN some free shirts! These shirts are awesome and have been on my "wish list" or "need to buy" list for a little while now. I NEED to get around to buying one!

NOW...we have an opportunity to WIN some! I would really encourage you to check it out at Wild Olive and buy one to support them and "GET YOUR VERSE ON"!!!