Well we have almost hit the end of the 2nd trimester. Not exactly sure how I feel about that...mixed emotions I suppose! I am excited that soon we'll be able to meet our little bambino...but I know most of the growing is yet to come!
I have completely graduated from normal clothes to maternity wear. I am a fan, I must say and really like my maternity pants! :) I have had GREAT friends let me borrow some of their clothes and give me some great pregnancy advice! Yes, I am moisturizing every day. Yes, I am drinking a lot of water. Yes, I am walking, walking, walking. And yes, I am taking my vitamins every day! (at least trying to remember to...no one is perfect!)
I am really enjoying reading up on pregnancy and seeing how the little one is progressing inside. This site is just hilarious and I find myself laughing out loud sometimes! Amazing how so many women are pregnant, and yet we all go through similar stuff! I am on week 24 this week...if you want to follow along! I start a new week every friday and it makes going into the weekends so much fun. Jacob just LOVES to read about it too...right honey? LOL
I went garage sale-ing with my MIL last weekend and had a ball. We found some really cute clothes and a few ods and ends. It was just fun to spend the time with her...she is also very excited. I mean seriously, how could you not? A new baby is just so much fun no matter what!
I have made it past the point of getting up 5 million times a night to go to the potty, which I'm sure will return at some point...and as my mom tells me, it's just this baby's way of getting me in the mode to be up feeding at all hours! Well, you have to prepare somehow right??
So anyways, I just thought I'd update with a picture or two. This one is just last week...amazing how much difference a week makes! We are so excited to meet our little one! :)
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