Well, we've officially hit the 3rd trimester. WHEW! This has gone really fast! I can't believe I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant. Doesn't seem possible...but by the looks of this picture, it sure is! :) (and yes, that is me wearing long sleeves in July...it's been chilly...SWEET!)
Since we haven't found out the gender, a lot of people are in to telling me what they think we are having, or asking what we think we are having. I have taken all of the "old wive's tales" quizzes and such...it's a mixed batch. This baby is really keeping us guessing! I LOVE IT!!
Well just wanted to update. Life is GREAT, pregnancy is WONDERFUL, this 3rd trimester is gonna FLY!
Once again, looking good! Way to stay in shape for that natural birth you are planning (and going to have!!!) ;)
You go girl!!!
Time flies...enjoy these last moments as a couple!
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