This picture was taken on my LAST DAY OF WORK!!! Friday was the last day that I will ever go to a FULL TIME JOB! (7 days till due date)
This picture was taken today...4 days till due date! It may be the last picture I take! :)
We're on the grow again! The 3 Scotts will become 4 by September 10, 2011!! We'll keep you posted!
I also took my 38 week picture today...2 weeks to go!!!
Lucas got to sport his new "outfit" too...a floaty lasted all of about 10 mins! LOL
He really had fun "swimming" with Daddy!!
I was so happy to see that at less than 2 years of age he is JUMPING off the side of the pool to us!
As it was getting warmer, and Lucas was getting bored...we decided to leave Easton in search of a Playground. We ended up at Blendon Woods Metro Park (gotta LOVE Columbus Metro Parks!) and we had a ball! Lucas was not afriad to climb the stairs or head down the slide...even face first a time or two!
He is also into doing EVERYTHING that we do, himself! He is so big and loves to help out. He wants to get his own milk out, eat his own food, he tries to put on his own socks (although still unsuccessful) and he wants to vacuum when I do! Here he is helping daddy nail some loose nails down on our balcony. He has also FINALLY learned how to drink out of a regular sippy cup. He was a champ at the straw cup so early on, however we've been trying to transition him to a regular one for months now and he couldn't quite get the "Tippy High" concept! FINALLY on St. Patrick's Day he accomplished this great feat and has been rockin' the regular sippy cup every since!
For the most part, Lucas is a laid-back active little 18 month old who loves to sing and dance and ESPECIALLY splash in the tub!! He is the joy of our life and we love him so much!! Oh...and he nearly ALWAYS has a remote in his hand :)