Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mollie's "Sprinkle"

My friend Mollie (my best friend from the 7th grade) and I reconnected 2 years ago when we found out we were both pregnant with our 1st. We actually had the EXACT SAME due date...but she ended up delivering 5 weeks early. We both had boys and they LOVE hanging out with each other!! (we love it too!)

We sorta/kinda planned or tried to plan really to be pregnant together this time too and ended up being about 5 weeks apart. She is due in October! Today was her "sprinkle" a little shower if you will and we took full advantage of taking ONE LAST belly picture together. I'd say we're both "getting there" :)

Now the goal is to make Mollie go full term so THESE 2 are 5 weeks apart too! :) Good Luck Mollie!! xoxo

1 comment:

Liz said...

That is sweet! Congratulations to Mollie :)

My bestie from college and I have our first boys 5 months apart, the seconds are 3 months apart, and our thirds are slated to be one month apart (hers are all first).

It will be hilarious and a bit scary if all six of them end up in college together.