Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My 1st "MOM" haircut.



Ok, so I HAD to get my hair cut. I just couldn't stand it any longer. They say as life changes for a girl, so does her hair. So I went short...and I haven't been this short in a long time! But I love it!

Enjoy the Before and After pics!! :)

Buster's Favorite BELLY!

Well Buster has always been a snuggle bug...but lately, he just can't get enough of this new "pillow" otherwise known as MY BELLY.

It really is adorable...and the baby seems to like him...I think. Everytime Buster comes to snuggle the baby starts kicking. It doesn't happen like that with Molly. I think these two are gonna be good friends :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Growin' like a Weed!! And lovin' it...

Well I am 28 weeks now...can you believe it?? I can't! Time has really flown by and we are getting more and more excited about the arrival of our first little one!

The baby is moving like crazy during the day. I am noticing a lot of movement during the day and sporatic movement about every 4 hours overnight. I am excited about an active day baby and a sleeper at night! God is gracious!!

Anyways...just wanted to share...I love to see the look on my husband's face when he once again realizes that I am getting bigger and he knows that it means our baby will be here soon!

Love fills my heart...God is good!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A day at Cinnamon Lake...

We have really missed out on seeing some of our GREAT friends J. and Ashley Maier while we were in Arizona. They live in PA so even on trips back to OH we never connected. They have a little one, Adon, who is 19ish months, and just a motor-man. He is all over the place and really active. SUCH A SWEET KIDDO! Since we've been back we've gotten to see them a little bit (not nearly as much as I'd like!).

About 2 weeks ago we spent a day at J.'s parents house at Cinnamon Lake near Ashland, OH and just had a great day! We went swimming and boating and ate wonderful food!! (Jacob even went fishing and caught a fish!!) It was a great day (even if I did get fried crispy) and we look forward to the next time we can get together!

Here are some pics of the day:
Ash and Me at the Pool with Adon

Adon splashing around in the Kiddie Pool

Jacob catching a fish...he's only caught 3 in his life before this day...and he caught 3 while on the lake! WOO HOO! You Rock! :)

Ahh...our boat trip (yes, that's me taking a picture of J taking a picture of

Adon on the boat

The Maier's...J, Adon and Ashley

Aren't we great with kids? We're gonna be great parents! LOL

Making memories together! That's what it's all about!
Thanks J. and Ash for such a great day! We can't wait to see you again soon! (August...right??LOL)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

We're roundin' THIRD!!!

Well, we've officially hit the 3rd trimester. WHEW! This has gone really fast! I can't believe I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant. Doesn't seem possible...but by the looks of this picture, it sure is! :) (and yes, that is me wearing long sleeves in's been chilly...SWEET!)

Since we haven't found out the gender, a lot of people are in to telling me what they think we are having, or asking what we think we are having. I have taken all of the "old wive's tales" quizzes and's a mixed batch. This baby is really keeping us guessing! I LOVE IT!!

Well just wanted to update. Life is GREAT, pregnancy is WONDERFUL, this 3rd trimester is gonna FLY!