Wednesday, May 27, 2009

20 weeks! Out with the with the preggie!

So I've hit the 1/2 way point! WOO HOO! I am pretty excited. However, I have to admit, I have a lot of growing to do! I had lost 14 pounds and have just come back to my pre-pregnancy weight! ha! They say you will gain about a pound a week until you I've got nearly 20 lbs to least :)

Sad thing...but exciting at the same time...I cleaned out my closet this evening. I figure, if I can't wear it now...I won't be wearing it until at least October! So...out with the with the preggie, clothes that is. I have been blessed to find great deals, and be spoiled w/ new pregnancy clothes! Thanks to all who have contributed! I really do appreciate being able to be stylish...and pregnant :)

So that's where we are! Moving right along, as my mom would say!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

You never know when it'll hit...

I really don't know why I'm blogging about this, except to get it off my chest I guess. You know, sometimes things just hit you the wrong way, you react, and the way you react is ok, it's perfectly fine, but you still feel a little strange...ok ok, here's the situation.

So, while out and about with my husband tonight, we decide to go into a store and sign up for a baby registry. Now, we have no real clue what in the world to even put on this list, but I figured, it's time to get started. So, we sit down, they congratulate us and we start filling out some "paperwork" so they can get us in the system. Not so crazy, right? Name, address, due date, etc. So...I flip the page over and at the bottom it says: "Grandparents."

I started crying...I had no idea they would ask that question. I had no idea I would react in the way I did. I had no idea that some day when I began to fill out a baby registry I wouldn't be adding my dad as a living grandparent. I just started crying and everyone looked at me. I mean, why wouldn't they? Filling out a baby registry is hardly something to cry about...right? Even Jacob didn't know what the deal was really. I had to explain..."I'm sorry, I just lost my dad, and I didn't know you would ask for grandparents."

I couldn't stop apologizing for making this poor man feel so awkward across the table. He apologized to me for upsetting me...geesh, it wasn't his fault! It wasn't mine either. It's just another reality...cold and harsh sometimes.

Well then, the waterworks were on and thanks to those RAGIN' took me a good 2 minutes to stop crying. *sigh*, oh well. I keep saying, if I didn't cry about things like this, I'd have to ask myself how much I really did care. Tears do bring healing, even if it's in public, in a terribly awkward position, over paperwork! :)

Wow, that does feel better! Blogging is the BEST! :)

oh and ps. please don't go search for a baby registry for's NO WHERE near husband WAS the one with the registry gun...ha ha ha!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's A.....

Ha ha! We went through our Doctor's appointment this morning WITHOUT finding out the gender. Hard for some...but there were so many wonderful things to find out about our little one like:

There are 4 working heart chambers
a cerebellum
2 working kidneys, and we know this because there is a BLADDER!!!
a working diaphragm
and most exciting...10 fingers and 10 toes, 2 eyes, 2 ears, etc.
In short, this baby is PERFECTLY HEALTHY as far as they can tell!!
Weighing in at a whopping 3/4 pound! WOO!

I got two of the profile (seen above) and this one below. I have to tell you the fun story about it!
One day Jacob was trying to say I LOVE YOU in sign language to me and for some strange reason instead of putting up the typical two fingers and a thumb for the sign he just put up his 4 fingers...weird, until today...We have carried on that faux signlanguage to mean I LOVE YOU to each other...and this morning...little baby put it's arm up and gave us the 4 finger I LOVE YOU sign! I cried and smiled, it may be a "coincidence" to some...but to us, it was just another wonferful moment. Our baby loves us too! :)

Just wanted to update you on what is going on with us.
Gender is a secret and so are the names!! Due date is October 7th. This is going to be a fun ride!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Poke, Poke, Poke...

So...I'm 18 weeks now and already feeling the baby move. I've been feeling it for awhile now, but didn't know what it was. Everyone says you'll feel a "flutter" which I am yet to feel. However, I do feel a little poke, poke, poke and it's always in the same place! (or pretty close) What I'm saying is the BABY MOVING!! How very exciting!!
We go back to the doctor on the 14th, but we are NOT finding out the gender. We want it to be a surprise. Therefore, we'll be keeping the names to ourself as well!
However, we think it would be fun to see what YOU think we are all guesses are welcome, and in just 4.5 short months...we'll know! :) This is all so very exciting!