Tuesday, September 6, 2011

39 Weeks

Well we've made it to week 39 (4 days to go actually) and I just had to post a belly pic...or 2 :)

This picture was taken on my LAST DAY OF WORK!!! Friday was the last day that I will ever go to a FULL TIME JOB! (7 days till due date)

This picture was taken today...4 days till due date! It may be the last picture I take! :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mollie's "Sprinkle"

My friend Mollie (my best friend from the 7th grade) and I reconnected 2 years ago when we found out we were both pregnant with our 1st. We actually had the EXACT SAME due date...but she ended up delivering 5 weeks early. We both had boys and they LOVE hanging out with each other!! (we love it too!)

We sorta/kinda planned or tried to plan really to be pregnant together this time too and ended up being about 5 weeks apart. She is due in October! Today was her "sprinkle" a little shower if you will and we took full advantage of taking ONE LAST belly picture together. I'd say we're both "getting there" :)

Now the goal is to make Mollie go full term so THESE 2 are 5 weeks apart too! :) Good Luck Mollie!! xoxo

38 weeks and the Belly Cast

When I was pregnant with Lucas I did a belly cast and decided with this one to do one as well. I wanted to be able to compare the size of my belly. I wanted to do them on the SAME DAY as each other...but logistically it didn't work out...so this one was done just 3 days later than Lucas' was.
I would say they are pretty much the same...what do you think??

I also took my 38 week picture today...2 weeks to go!!!


Ok...so i have been on the hunt for a VERY CUTE "Big Brother" t-shirt and as picky as I am about this shirt...I was finally ready to cave and just buy whatever was out there. I mean...I am 2 weeks from delivery and Lucas just HAS to have a Big Brother t-shirt...and then...they can't be found!!!!!!!! UGH!! I was so frustrated.

Today I was in Target (mind you, I was just there on Thursday...) and came across these LONG SLEEVED t-shirts they JUST PUT OUT and found one that is ADORABLE! (and only $5 I might add!!)

I brought it home and promptly put it on Lucas...HE loved it (as you can see from the picture)...I am MORE than excited that he will be a BIG BROTHER (World's BEST if you agree with the shirt). We are ready...well, almost!

Friday, August 19, 2011

37 Weeks and 3 cm...

Well, I went to the OB this morning and found out that I'm 3cm dialated!! We're on our way folks...won't be much longer now! I know it's really ambiguous to know how dialated you are...but hey 37 weeks...I doubt I'll go late (shoot, shouldn't have said that! :/)
Anyways...thought you might like to see my 37 week belly shot! Taken on a phone...not the camera...but hey...you get the picture...pun intended!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Mmmm...Corn on the Cob!!

This is Lucas' 2nd attempt at Corn on the Cob...we gave him some cob holders this time and he rocked it like a champ!

Monday, August 1, 2011

34 weeks and another Birthday Milestone!!!

Well we've hit 34 weeks...YAY! 6 more weeks to go and so excited for that! I just celebrated my 33rd birthday, and last year I took a picture on my birthday holding my little one...now a year later...I can't believe how quickly he is growing up. I am going to make this a tradition!! I think I'll even do a birthday scrapbook that we can add this picture to each year...so here goes:

I also had to take just a 34 week picture...

And since Jacob doesn't make very many blog appearances...I decided to post his GORGEOUS face here...I LOVE this man!

And that's the update...6 more weeks! 6 more weeks! :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

32 Weeks...and a new haircut

It's funny...when I was pregnant with Lucas...right around 31 weeks I was REALLY wanting a haircut...and I've been feeling the SAME WAY this time too! :) So...I got a haircut...finally! :) Here are a few pics of the before (31 weeks) and the after (32 weeks). We are on the countdown now at less than 2 months to go! HALLELUJAH!!!! :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Well we went swimming today...Lucas just LOVES the water! I think I was most excited because I got to sport my new maternity bathing suit...I LOVE IT!

Lucas got to sport his new "outfit" too...a floaty suit...it lasted all of about 10 mins! LOL

He really had fun "swimming" with Daddy!!

I was so happy to see that at less than 2 years of age he is JUMPING off the side of the pool to us!

Sweet little one swam until his little lips were blue...and then it was time to go home! We had a great time!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

28 weeks...the 3rd Trimester! :)

I have to be honest when I say...I'm glad I'm in the 3rd trimester....I'm getting so anxious to meet this little one...Not looking too shabby either :) I need a hair cut...but that's beside the point!

28 Weeks - Baby #2

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lucas Update

Lucas has been growing and changing SO MUCH lately! I almost can't believe the transformation that is happening before my very eyes...and it seems at every turn I am trying hard to have him grow up AND stay a baby at the same time (this kid must be so confused sometimes!) :) Anyways...here is a video I just HAD to share. Jacob's laugh is infectious and when he really gets going...well it makes everyone else in the room laugh too. When I saw Lucas laughing at Jacob laughing...I had to grab the camera to capture it...check it out!

I got these diapers from a friend...I have been searching for them in his size and never seem to find them (on sale) and so I have never bought them...but aren't they just DARLING???

He is also in LOVE with his blankies...all 3 of them...and insists on taking them EVERYWHERE...even the shower (although that doesn't happen). He just has a hard time parting with them...and I have to admit, they are snuggly! :) He talks to them and just loves to have them around...it encourages me that he will, in fact, be a GREAT Big Brother! :)

So that's all...he's growing and changing...but he's still my little baby! :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Cutest Kid on the PLANET!

I have to admit, as most parents would say...I have the CUTEST kid on the planet! At least he is to me!! :) Here are a few pics of Lucas and what he's been up to lately:

Lucas at a Memorial Day Picnic w/ the Scott Family!

We went down to Columbus Commons & Lucas got to see Stinger from The Columbus Blue Jackets. (he wasn't afraid of any of the mascots there that day!!)

That day Jacob also got to introduce Lucas to Jared Sullinger...and happened to mention to him that "one day he would be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY famous!" :)

We have such a ball with him! :)

26 Weeks...rounding 3rd!

Well folks, we've hit double digit days! PRAISE THE LORD!!! We are well on our way to meeting this little one! I must say, I am in love with this picture becuase I have been feeling RATHER LARGE lately...and this picture shows just how "small" I am! YAY! I know I have a lot of growing to do in the next several weeks...but for now, I'll bask in the fact that I'm not 'as big as a house'...quite yet :)


I am in LOVE with my family! Thank you GOD for ALL of our blessings! I love when we all get together...no matter how few and far between those times are! We. are. BLESSED! :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

23 weeks

Ok...so I'm a week behind...but I just HAD to update this pic! This probably is my MOST FAVORITE pregnancy pic EVER!! Thanks to Alison Crossen for allowing me to be in her wedding...pregnant and all! I loved it! :)

An overnight with Grammy :)

Lucas is now 19.5 months and just LOVES his Grammy! (I mean...who doesn't right?) This past weekend he got a chance to do his first solo overnight at Grammy's house and from what I hear...he had a ball and was a gem! I'm so thankful for that!

As I arrived on Sunday to pick him up, he was just waking from a nap, we got him changed and fed and then out the door we went to go play! This child LOVES to play outside and take walks! Here are a few pics from the afternoon...

Looking for Bugs

Taking a walk with Grammy

Lucas and Grammy

After we left Grammy's we went to meet a few friends at the park and then got some icecream. When we got back in the car I asked Lucas if he wanted to just close his eyes and nap on the way home so when he got home he'd be all ready to play with daddy. This was his response to me...

However, and just as Grammy predicted...10 minutes after getting on the road...this is what I turned around to find...

Isn't he just precious w/ his little legs crossed? I think he had a GREAT time! Thanks again Grammy!! xoxo

Sunday, April 24, 2011

20 Weeks!

Well with 20 weeks comes our latest ULTRASOUND!! YAY! It was sooo great to see a glimpse of our baby and also hear that this baby is growing PERFECTLY!!!

There is only 1 baby in there, but they were able to give us a shot of both sides of the profile!

I have to include a 20 week belly shot as well...we are GROWING!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nearing the 1/2 Way Point!! 19 Weeks!

This picture was taken on my date night, for my dear friend Ashley.
Love you...and you're welcome!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Love my little Angel...

I hold one baby in my arms today,
I hold one baby in my belly today,
and I hold one baby in my heart today.

Love you little angel, can't wait to meet you!

ps. Have a GREAT birthday w/ Pop Pop!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Our 1st Playground Adventure!

It was a VERY WARM 84* on Sunday and so we decided to get out of the house! We ventured over to Easton to do a little walking around and grabbed a smoothie...which Lucas promtply stole from me (yes, an 18 month old can steal your smoothie...)

As it was getting warmer, and Lucas was getting bored...we decided to leave Easton in search of a Playground. We ended up at Blendon Woods Metro Park (gotta LOVE Columbus Metro Parks!) and we had a ball! Lucas was not afriad to climb the stairs or head down the slide...even face first a time or two!

All in all we had a great day! Lucas loved it and we totally enjoyed being out in the WONDERFUL Sunny weather ourselves! I think this face says it all!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


So a dear friend of mine helped me with a 'bed swap' and scored us a set of Bunk Beds for Lucas. Although he isn't quite big enough for a "big boy" bed quite yet, as the beds were delivered today I found myself VERY EMOTIONAL over the fact that he is, in fact, getting to be big enough. Where has my little baby gone? I mean, I know in quite a few respects he is still a baby. But wow! I guess this is all a part of growing up. I'll try to not be sad for the time that is slipping away, as long as I know I'm cherishing every moment along the way. I also can't help but think...I'll never be able to show this "big boy" bed to my dad. Yet another first, I don't get to watch him experience. I wish it didn't make me so sad...all this growing up...and I don't get to share it with my dad. NOW I understand what my mom means.....

Monday, April 4, 2011

Using a Spoon...

My goal by the time this new baby comes is to have Lucas doing 2 things proficiently...1 is using a spoon, the other...communicating with me somewhat! We started with the spoon yesterday. I gave him a bowl of spaghetti (all chopped up) and a spoon. I showed him how to hold the spoon, scopp the spaghetti and put it in his mouth. He did VERY well for the first 10 minutes...and then as you can see through this photo progression, well he just gave up and went back to what was easy.

Doin' great w/ 2 spoons, actually. (He stole mine and didn't want any more help!)

Gave up on the spoon...back to the fingers...

Skeddy never tasted so good!!!!

OK...so we'll keep working! I do realize that Spaghetti probably isn't the EASIEST thing to have him try on his own, however he LOVES spaghetti and I was actually surprised that he didn't dump it all over his tray! We are making progress people!! :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Growing UP!

A lot of changes are taking place in our house. Let us not forget, in the excitement of Baby #2 on the way that Baby #1 (Lucas) is GROWING UP! Wow! We are approaching the 18 month mark (4-4-11) and I just can't believe the changes he's making!! Lucas LOVES to dance! He loves music and just being active. He is like his mother (as my nickname from about his age was SQUIRT because I never walked anywhere, I went from crawling to running and that is what he does too) always on the go! He loves Veggie Tales and I am pretty certain that he said Bob yesterday! LOL

Here's a little video of him dancing.

He is also into doing EVERYTHING that we do, himself! He is so big and loves to help out. He wants to get his own milk out, eat his own food, he tries to put on his own socks (although still unsuccessful) and he wants to vacuum when I do! Here he is helping daddy nail some loose nails down on our balcony.

He has also FINALLY learned how to drink out of a regular sippy cup. He was a champ at the straw cup so early on, however we've been trying to transition him to a regular one for months now and he couldn't quite get the "Tippy High" concept! FINALLY on St. Patrick's Day he accomplished this great feat and has been rockin' the regular sippy cup every since!

For the most part, Lucas is a laid-back active little 18 month old who loves to sing and dance and ESPECIALLY splash in the tub!! He is the joy of our life and we love him so much!! Oh...and he nearly ALWAYS has a remote in his hand :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

15 Weeks and AHHHH...the 2nd Trimester!!!

Well, I am finally past the 1st trimester, I will have to say this time, it DEFINITELY was not my friend! But we are into the 2nd trimester and besides feeling a little more than sleepy by 3pm I am doing GREAT!
Belly is on the grow, tiny little movements are being detected! Life is good! So excited for this new little one!

15 Weeks Pregnant

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3 Becoming 4...

Well the GREAT news has been launched, officially...WE ARE EXPECTING!!!

Scott Baby #2 is on the way and due to arrive September 10, 2011 (9-10-11)

We are not finding out the gender again this time, it was such fun keeping it a surprise the last time! Lucas has NO clue what is happening...but I am confident by the time the baby arrives (and Lucas is 23 months) he will be well aware!

Here is a photo at 12 weeks!

Just a little "bump" to get us started! 2nd trimester starts on Sunday!! I hope with it comes 6 more months of WONDERFUL pregnancy...and NO NAUSEA! :) Lord, let it be!!

Baby is doing just GREAT inside! We got our 1st ultrasound on February 11th and the baby's arms and legs were moving around! So neat to see!!

Continue to "check in" for more little updates on our newest little blessing!!