Sunday, April 10, 2011


So a dear friend of mine helped me with a 'bed swap' and scored us a set of Bunk Beds for Lucas. Although he isn't quite big enough for a "big boy" bed quite yet, as the beds were delivered today I found myself VERY EMOTIONAL over the fact that he is, in fact, getting to be big enough. Where has my little baby gone? I mean, I know in quite a few respects he is still a baby. But wow! I guess this is all a part of growing up. I'll try to not be sad for the time that is slipping away, as long as I know I'm cherishing every moment along the way. I also can't help but think...I'll never be able to show this "big boy" bed to my dad. Yet another first, I don't get to watch him experience. I wish it didn't make me so sad...all this growing up...and I don't get to share it with my dad. NOW I understand what my mom means.....

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