Friday, November 14, 2008

So it's been awhile...

Yes, I know. It's been awhile since I've posted anything...
Need I remind you I just hosted my parents on vacation in Arizona, packed up my house, drove 42 hours across the country in 3 days pulling a uhaul trailer, signed our lease, moved in, started a new job and am STILL living out of boxes...
Yes, needless to say, it's been an adventure. We are so excited to be home though. We've gotten to see all of our immediate family members, and a few extras as well. Tonight we'll be heading up to MVNU to see campus again and attend Homecoming...first time in 4 years. Before that I hadn't missed a single one! It's exciting and I just can't wait. I have to get through a day at work...but I can do it!
More news later!

1 comment:

J. said...

How about some info. like:
Where you live? What your job is? What Jacob is doing? How the dogs are? Cream or Sugar? You know... things we want to know!
My word verification was " fajoini " = what someone is called when they start singing DECK THE HALLS... mid chorus!