Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Father's Day Jacob!!

This past Sunday we got a chance to CELEBRATE our 1st Father's Day!! I started off with Breakfast in Bed for Jacob.

He is such a great guy and will be an AMAZING father! I can't wait to see him with our little one!

I have also been reading up on that "GREAT gift for the new DAD" and found it is a watch so that they can time the contractions for the new MOM! SO...what a GREAT excuse to buy Jacob a new watch!! He was surprised and LOVED it!!

Now not only will he be a prepared "dad to be" but he'll be stylin in his Kenneth Cole watch too!

Happy Father's Day Jacob! I love you!!


Giving Love Encounters said...

Happy Father's Day!!!

Hey, I saw my present on your Tweet. You are too sweet!!!!


Chris and Rebecca said...

Wow Jacob you are spoiled rotten...Chris would not officially recognize any holidays related to parenting until after I birthed the baby...your wife is a keeper!