Saturday, June 6, 2009


Last night I had what has to be one of the coolest feelings ever! I was watching a movie with Jacob when the baby started to "kick". Now, I have been feeling movement since week 16, but nothing like this. It was the hardest I have ever felt. You could SEE the was crazy. I sent Jacob, quickly, to get the camera so we could get some footage of this happening. By the time he got back it had settled back down and it wasn't happening anymore.
A little later, it started back up again, this time the camera was where we left it and I didn't even send him for it (yes, I learned my lesson...keep the camera close!) What I then realized was, our little bambino was having HICCUPS!! Now, truthfully, I won't wish hiccups on anyone, they are annoying...but I will love it EVERY TIME my little one has hiccups in the womb...what a super cool feeling!! I just HAD to share! :)

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