Monday, April 4, 2011

Using a Spoon...

My goal by the time this new baby comes is to have Lucas doing 2 things proficiently...1 is using a spoon, the other...communicating with me somewhat! We started with the spoon yesterday. I gave him a bowl of spaghetti (all chopped up) and a spoon. I showed him how to hold the spoon, scopp the spaghetti and put it in his mouth. He did VERY well for the first 10 minutes...and then as you can see through this photo progression, well he just gave up and went back to what was easy.

Doin' great w/ 2 spoons, actually. (He stole mine and didn't want any more help!)

Gave up on the spoon...back to the fingers...

Skeddy never tasted so good!!!!

 we'll keep working! I do realize that Spaghetti probably isn't the EASIEST thing to have him try on his own, however he LOVES spaghetti and I was actually surprised that he didn't dump it all over his tray! We are making progress people!! :)


Liz said...

Things Gracie loves to eat with a spoon: yogurt, jello, pudding, oatmeal, Trix with milk

Try him with a fork and waffle or something else easy to stab and yummy :) that's how both mine learned to eat with silverware.

Pati Bocook said...

He is still a baby!! Let him be!! hahaha