Sunday, August 23, 2009

Closer and closer each day!!

We are really getting close to the end folks...and it's getting exciting! Just rounded 33 weeks and had another tummy check. I took my mom with me this time and she really enjoyed it! She got to hear the baby's heartbeat and feel it move too! Doctor says we are HEAD DOWN which is a real blessing!!

I am told nearly every day that I will grow exponentionally throughout the next 7 weeks...if I even make it that long! :) That's ok...I've also been told it will all be worth it!

We had our parenting class last night with some parents we really look up to. My cousins Ron and Kristen Sherer (parents of 5) opened their home and lives to us and shared with us a lot of what to expect in the coming days, months and years! We are blessed to have such great cousins! Thanks Ron and Kristen, you'll never know how much we appreciate it!! We love you guys!!

So here's to the next 6 weeks...or so :) We love you baby, pray for you daily and can't wait to meet you!

1 comment:

Liz said...

You will - it's crazy. I gained 18 lbs with Z, and 13 of it was in the last 8 weeks. And I was seriously anti-sweet stuff during my pregnancy, couldn't stomach it.