Sunday, September 7, 2008


So...blogging is taking over the world and I don't want to be left behind :) I also want to be able to comment on my friend's blogs and I can't figure out how to w/o doing my here goes :)

Life is HOT in Arizona...I'm so over the heat already! I am ready for it to be cooler...and by cooler I mean 90! LOL It's been 105-110 for about 2 months now and I'm tired of the heat.

Life is good here, God is good! Jacob is working from home now and I love having him here. God keeps opening and closing doors for us and we just keep walking through them faithfully. We are trying our hardest to stay in step with our Maker. He is SO good to us! He is teaching us to Trust AND Obey...not just try to trust and then if it sounds good obey. What a pay off it is to do so and receive the blessing...and what a blessing we are in return!!

Buster and Molly are good, they just wish they had a yard. We do too!! I gotta tell you, walking 4 floors 3-5 times a day isn't exactly fun...but we stay in shape doing it!!
Speaking of which, I WAS training to run a marathon, and in true Sarah fashion, I jumped in with 2 feet and ended up straining my hip. It doesn't hurt all the time anymore, but I cant' "run through the pain" so no marathon for me this year. Oh well, plenty more years to try it again :)

We are so excited for the upcoming much is going on! We are going to South Carolina for a Business Conference, and on the way we'll get to see Mookie and Holly!! So exciting!! I haven't seen Holly since March.
Also while we're there, i'm going to get to meet my exact name twin! She found me on Facebook, and her name is obviously Sarah Johnson Scott!! We're so excited to meet each other!!
When we return, Jacob's grandparents will be in Arizona, and so we'll get to see them!! Then My parents come to AZ end of October and Jacob's mom will be here begining of November. We'll spend Thanksgiving with friends and then before we know it it will be time to go to Ohio for Christmas!!! We are so excited that we'll be home this Christmas! We've spent the past 3 here in AZ...and we just want to be w/ family!!

So I guess that's what's going on with us...let us know what's going on with you!

1 comment:

J. said...

Welcome to BLOGGERVILLE! I'm not too tech savvy so you will catch on to this quick! It's so much nicer and more mature than MySpace... no banner ads!

Just know that there is an element of you always with us... the nickname "Coopy-Bear" for Cooper. I'm pretty sure you coined that!