Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Brian Regan = FUNNY!!!

How great is this? We're leaving our Business Meeting tonight and Jacob and I both said we wanted to listen to a little Brian Regan. When we got home...he was ON COMEDY CENTRAL!!!!He's basically the FUNNIEST GUY EVER... I encourage you to go check him out on you tube if you like. I've included my FAVORITE bit of his.

All of the knowledge of this man goes to my AWESOME friends Drue and Meredith. They have not only introduced us to this awesome comedy, but so many other wonderful things in our life...I'll name a few:
1. Dreams can come true
2. REAL friends are forever
3. XS is good for you
4. Friends don't let friends pee clear...
5. Read your Bible and other great books!
6. Freedom isn't free...but it is possible. It does require work and sacrifice.

They are amazing...I mean, to start out with Brian Regan and then all of the other stuff...we are MORE THAN BLESSED to have them as friends.
Enjoy the clip and let me know what you think :)

1 comment:

Hubbell said...

Oh my GOSH!!! I love Brian Regan! I got to see him perform several years ago---when I was just barely 18 at a local comedy club and loved him. I saw his Comedy Central special a few months back and had to call my brother-he was there, too. He is hilarious---I totally agree. We must have good taste!